13. Selection

Selection is one of the three basic control structures:

  1. Sequence (steps in order)

  2. Selection (branching using ifelifelse)

  3. Iteration (repetition or looping using while or for)

Selection provides choice or branches in the code.

13.1. If, elif, else

if is used with a condition that results in True or False.
When the condition is True, the code indented below the if statement is executed.
Alternatives can be provided using elif with a condition.
If all conditions are False, else: can be used to execute other code.
Note that there must be a colon, :, at the end of each if, elif and else statement.
In the code below, scoreA is compared to scoreB.
scoreA = 88
scoreB = 85
if scoreA > scoreB:
    print("A won")
elif scoreB > scoreA:
    print("B won")
    print("A drew with B")


  1. Add the variables teamA and teamB and set team names for them. Modify the code to print the team name instead of ‘A’ or ‘B’. Hint: To join text use a plus symbol. e.g (myteam + “ my text”)

13.2. Nested if

Nesting includes other if statements have within if statements.
Both the if and the elif have a nested if and else that are used when their condition is True.
scoreA = 120
scoreB = 55
if scoreA > scoreB:
    if scoreA - scoreB > 60:
        print("A won easily")
        print("A won")
elif scoreB > scoreA:
    if scoreB - scoreA > 60:
        print("B won easily")
        print("B won")
    print("A drew with B")


  1. Add the variables teamA and teamB and set team names for them. Modify the code to print the team name instead of ‘A’ or ‘B’. Hint: To join text use a plus symbol. e.g (myteam + “ my text”)

  2. Modify the code to print the winning margins. Use str(number) to convert numbers to text for joining with other text. Add the variables teamA_win_by and teamB_win_by. Calculate those variables using scoreA and scoreB. e.g teamA_win_by = scoreA - scoreB. Replace “A won easily” with code to output “A won easily by 65”. Do similar replacements for the other printed text.