13. Turtle shapes module

The shapes module is designed to be used for making turtle pictures of houses.
The houses are built from squares, rectangles and triangles.
To reduce the code in the main file, separate modules are used which group the code together.
Definitions for the base shapes are placed in a module, shapes.py.
Definitions for house shapes will be placed in a module, houses.py.
Download the python file shapes.py module

13.1. Importing the module

The code below shows importing the shapes module as an alias via import shapes as sh.
This makes it shorter to refer to functions in the shapes module.
Instead of needing shapes.rectangle, only sh.rectangle is needed.
The code below imports the shapes module, then draws a light green filled rectangle.
import turtle
import shapes as sh

s = turtle.Screen()
s.setup(width=800, height=600, startx=200, starty=100)

t = turtle.Turtle()
sh.rectangle(t, length=200, width=80, start_pos=(0,0), fillc="light green")


13.2. Shape module functions

The syntax of the basic shapes in the shapes module is below.
When using this, there is no need to include all the parameters that have default values, since this makes them optional.
e.g. square(t, length=100, start_pos=(10, 20), fillc="light green") can be used
rather than the full square(t, length=50, start_pos=(0, 0), start_h=0, penw=1, penc="black", fillc=None).
Documentation in the module follows the standard Google python docs format.
The first line describes the use of the function.
The arguments are described under the heading: Args.
Consider the string: length (int, optional): side lengths. Defaults to 50.
The name of the argument is followed by its type in brackets along with “optional” if a default value has been given. A short description of the argument follows. Any default values are stated.
None of the functions below return values, so there is no need for a Return section in the doc strings.

13.3. Square

Syntax for the square function.
square(t, length=50, start_pos=(0, 0), start_h=0, penw=1, penc='black', fillc=None)
t - the turtle object to draw the square
length - side length; default 50
start_pos - start position; default (0, 0)
start_h - start heading; default 0
penw - pen size; default 1
penc - pen color; default “black”
fillc - fill color; default None
The code snippet below shows the doc string for the square function.
def square(t, length=50, start_pos=(0, 0), start_h=0, penw=1, penc="black", fillc=None):
    """draw a square

        t (turtle): turtle object
        length (int, optional): side lengths. Defaults to 50.
        start_pos (tuple, optional): start position. Defaults to (0, 0).
        start_h (int, optional): start heading. Defaults to 0.
        penw (int, optional): pen size. Defaults to 1.
        penc (str, optional): pen color. Defaults to "black".
        fillc (str, optional): fill color. Defaults to "red".


13.4. Rectangle

Syntax for the rectangle function.
rectangle(t, length=40, width=30, start_pos=(0, 0), start_h=0, penw=1, penc='black', fillc=None)
t - the turtle object to draw the rectangle
length - side length; default 40
width - side width; default 30
start_pos - start position; default (0, 0)
start_h - start heading; default 0 degrees
penw - pen size; default 1
penc - pen color; default “black”
fillc - fill color; default None

Code Completion: rectangle doc string

Complete the doc string for the rectangle function using the template provided.
Replace _summary_, _type_, _description_ and _value_ with suitable text.
def rectangle(t, length=40, width=30, start_pos=(0, 0), start_h=0,
                penw=1, penc="black", fillc=None):
    """Draw a rectangle

        t (turtle): turtle instance
        length (_type_, optional): side lengths. Defaults to _value_.
        width (_type_, optional): side widtsh. Defaults to _value_.
        start_pos (_type_, optional): start position. Defaults to _value_.
        start_h (_type_, optional): start heading. Defaults to _value_.
        penw (_type_, optional): pen size. Defaults to _value_.
        penc (str, optional): pen color. Defaults to "black".
        fillc (str, optional): fill color. Defaults to None.

Completed doc string for the rectangle function.

def rectangle(t, length=40, width=30, start_pos=(0, 0), start_h=0,
                penw=1, penc="black", fillc=None):
    """Draw a rectangle

        t (turtle): turtle instance
        length (_type_, optional): side lengths. Defaults to _value_.
        width (_type_, optional): side widtsh. Defaults to _value_.
        start_pos (_type_, optional): start position. Defaults to _value_.
        start_h (_type_, optional): start heading. Defaults to _value_.
        penw (_type_, optional): pen size. Defaults to _value_.
        penc (str, optional): pen color. Defaults to "black".
        fillc (str, optional): fill color. Defaults to None.

13.5. Scalene

Syntax for the scalene function.
scalene(t, side_a, angle_C, side_b, start_pos=(0, 0), start_h=0, penw=1, penc='black', fillc=None)
t - the turtle object to draw the scalene triangle
side_a - side length a
angle_C - angle_C
side_b - side length b
start_pos - start position; default (0, 0)
start_h - start heading; default 0 degrees
penw - pen size; default 1
penc - pen color; default “black”
fillc - fill color; default None

Code Completion: scalene doc string

Complete the doc string for the scalene triangle function using the template provided.
Replace _summary_, _type_, _description_ and _value_ with suitable text.
def scalene(t, side_a, angle_C, side_b, start_pos=(0, 0), start_h=0,
            penw=1, penc="black", fillc=None):

        t (_type_): _description_
        side_a (_type_): _description_
        angle_C (_type_): _description_
        side_b (_type_): _description_
        start_pos (_type_, optional): start position. Defaults to _value_.
        start_h (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 0.
        penw (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 1.
        penc (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to "black".
        fillc (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None.

Completed doc string for the scalene triangle function using the template provided.

def scalene(t, side_a, angle_C, side_b, start_pos=(0, 0), start_h=0,
            penw=1, penc="black", fillc=None):
    """Draw a scalene triangle given SAS (side angle side).

        t (class turtle.Turtle): turtle instance.
        side_a (int): side length before angle.
        angle_C (int): angle between 2 sides.
        side_b (int): side length after angle.
        start_pos (tuple, optional): start position. Defaults to (0, 0).
        start_h (int, optional): start heading. Defaults to 0.
        penw (int, optional): pen size. Defaults to 1.
        penc (str, optional): pen color. Defaults to "black".
        fillc (str, optional): fill color. Defaults to None.

13.6. Isosceles

Syntax for the isosceles function.
isosceles(t, base, height, start_pos=(0, 0), start_h=0, penw=1, penc='black', fillc=None)
t - the turtle object to draw the isosceles triangle
base - base length
height - height
start_pos - start position; default (0, 0)
start_h - start heading; default 0 degrees
penw - pen size; default 1
penc - pen color; default “black”
fillc - fill color; default None

Code Completion: isosceles doc string

Complete the doc string for the isosceles triangle function using the template provided.
Replace _summary_, _type_, _description_ and _value_ with suitable text.
def isosceles(t, base, height, start_pos=(0, 0), start_h=0,
                penw=1, penc="black", fillc=None):

        t (_type_): _description_
        base (_type_): _description_
        height (_type_): _description_
        start_pos (_type_, optional): start position. Defaults to _value_.
        start_h (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 0.
        penw (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 1.
        penc (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to "black".
        fillc (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None.

Completed doc string for the iscosceles triangle function.

def isosceles(t, base, height, start_pos=(0, 0), start_h=0,
                penw=1, penc="black", fillc=None):
    """Draw an isosceles triangle given base and height.

        t (class turtle.Turtle): turtle instance.
        base (int): base of triangle.
        height (int): height of triangle.
        start_pos (tuple, optional): start position. Defaults to (0, 0).
        start_h (int, optional): start heading. Defaults to 0.
        penw (int, optional): pen size. Defaults to 1.
        penc (str, optional): pen color. Defaults to "black".
        fillc (str, optional): fill color. Defaults to None.

13.7. Equilateral

Syntax for the equilateral function.
equilateral(t, side, start_pos=(0, 0), start_h=0, penw=1, penc='black', fillc=None)
t - the turtle object to draw the equilateral triangle
side - side length
start_pos - start position; default (0, 0)
start_h - start heading; default 0 degrees
penw - pen size; default 1
penc - pen color; default “black”
fillc - fill color; default None

Code Completion: equilateral doc string

Complete the doc string for the equilateral triangle function using the template provided.
Replace _summary_, _type_, _description_ and _value_ with suitable text.
def equilateral(t, side, start_pos=(0, 0), start_h=0,
                penw=1, penc="black", fillc=None):

        t (_type_): _description_
        side (_type_): _description_
        start_pos (_type_, optional): start position. Defaults to _value_.
        start_h (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 0.
        penw (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 1.
        penc (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to "black".
        fillc (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None.

Completed doc string for the equilateral triangle function.

def equilateral(t, side, start_pos=(0, 0), start_h=0,
                penw=1, penc="black", fillc=None):
    """Draw an equilateral triangle

        t (class turtle.Turtle): turtle instance.
        side (int): side lengths.
        start_pos (tuple, optional): start position. Defaults to (0, 0).
        start_h (int, optional): start heading. Defaults to 0.
        penw (int, optional): pen size. Defaults to 1.
        penc (str, optional): pen color. Defaults to "black".
        fillc (str, optional): fill color. Defaults to None.