1. Dictionary with functions

1.1. Dictionaries

A dictionary is a collection of key: value pairs.
All keys are unique; duplicate keys are not possible.
Keys can be an integer, float, string, Boolean (True or False) and even a tuple.
A key can be used to retrieve a value from a dictionary.

1.2. Dictionary structure

The dictionary uses {} brackets.
Each key value pair is separated by a comma.
Each key is followed by a colon :
Below is a dictionary of car details.
car_dictionary = {"brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1965}
The first key value pair is “brand”: “Ford”.
There are 3 keys: “brand”, “model”, “year”.
There are 3 corresponding values: “Ford”, “Mustang”, 1965.

1.3. Looking up dictionary values by key

value = dictionary[key]
Get the value of a specific key in a dictionary.
Raises an error if the key doesn’t exist, so a try-except block is needed.


car_dictionary = {"brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1965}

# key exists
value = car_dictionary["brand"]

# key doesn't exist
    value = car_dictionary["brands"]
except KeyError:
    print("not a valid key")

1.4. Looking up dictionary values by the get method

dict.get(key, default=None)

Returns the value for the specified key if the key is in the dictionary, otherwise returns the default value.


car_dictionary = {"brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1965}

# without default
value = car_dictionary.get("brand")
# output is "Ford"

# without default; returns None
value = car_dictionary.get("brands")
# output is None

# with default
value = car_dictionary.get("brands", "not a valid key")
# output is "not a valid key"

1.5. Check if the key is in the dictionary

key in dictionary
Returns True if the key is among the keys of the dictionary; False if not.


car_dictionary = {"brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1965}

# key exists
key_exists = "model" in car_dictionary

# key doesn't exists
key_exists = "models" in car_dictionary

1.6. Definition to get a dictionary value

1.6.1. Create a dictionary

Below are hex values for colours in the rainbow:
red is #FF0000
orange is #FFA500
yellow is #FFFF00
green is #008000
blue is #0000FF
indigo is #4B0082
violet is #EE82EE


  1. Create a dictionary, rainbow_colors, with the colour name as the key and the hex value as the value.

Create a dictionary, rainbow_colors, with the colour name as the key and the hex value as the value.

# Dictionary for rainbow colors
rainbow_colors = {
    "red": "#FF0000",
    "orange": "#FFA500",
    "yellow": "#FFFF00",
    "green": "#008000",
    "blue": "#0000FF",
    "indigo": "#4B0082",
    "violet": "#EE82EE"

1.6.2. User input

The input() function allows user input.
prompt is a string, representing a default message for the input.
Returns a string.


colour = input("Enter a colour: ")


  1. Create a user input that refers to all the possible colors and stores it in the variable, user_color.

Create a user input that refers to all the possible colors and stores it in the variable, user_color

user_color = input("Enter a color from the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet): ")

1.6.3. Hex colour function

A scaffold of a simple function to return the hex value of a colour is below.

def hex_color(user_color, ________________):
   # Convert the input to lowercase for case-insensitivity
   user_color = ______________.lower()
   return ________________.get(_________________, "not listed in the dictionary")


  1. Complete the function to return the hex colour for a named colour.

Complete the function to return the hex colour for a named colour.

def hex_color(user_color, rainbow_colors):
    # Convert the input to lowercase for case-insensitivity
    user_color = user_color.lower()
    return rainbow_colors.get(user_color, "not listed in the dictionary")

1.6.4. Final code


Create a python script that gets user input and prints the hex colour for the color name the user inputs. Example output: The hexadecimal value for green is #008000.

Create a python script that gets user input and prints the hex colour for the color name the user inputs. Example output: The hexadecimal value for green is #008000.

# Dictionary with rainbow colors
rainbow_colors = {
    "red": "#FF0000",
    "orange": "#FFA500",
    "yellow": "#FFFF00",
    "green": "#008000",
    "blue": "#0000FF",
    "indigo": "#4B0082",
    "violet": "#EE82EE"

user_color = input('Enter a rainbow color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet): ')

def hex_color(user_color, rainbow_colors):
    # Convert the input to lowercase for case-insensitivity
    user_color = user_color.lower()
    return rainbow_colors.get(user_color, "not listed in the dictionary")

hex_val = hex_color(user_color, rainbow_colors)
print(f"The hexadecimal value for {user_color} is {hex_val}")